Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Divorce RUMORS (again)!

Michele Zipp reports on married country singers Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on the day after the airing of one of the major country music award shows... which are a little like infomercials for Country Music and its entertainers... but so much of life is becoming so much like infomercials.... Though I found several moments of satisfying pleasure during the awards show, I was distracted to a tear over some aspects and deliriously amused by some after thoughts... "(!

This brings me back to Tim and Faith. Zipp writes, "Marriage is hard y'all. And harder still if you are a celebrity with all kinds of people lusting after you and the cameras always flashing in front of your eyes. Awww. Should we feel bad for celebrities? Maybe a little. Could you imagine having a little spat with your significant other and have the paparazzi be all capturing it on film? Horrifying. We read body language and facial expressions and conclude Yep, it's over for them when maybe they're just fighting over someone leaving the toilet seat up. (! Well, given what Zipp writes here and other things I do feel a little sorry for celebrities. I also feel sorry for those of us who spend much time following anything but their music!

Of course, there's a lot of speculation that Faith Hill appeared spontaneously on last night's award show to sing a duet with her husband to help dispel could-be wrong divorce rumors. I can't imagine such an ulterior motive...  But what are such famous people to do? We've driven them to make every effort to portray the possible truth... Perhaps divorce is the right answer for some couples? If so, why can't we let that process follow its private course even among celebrities? Why should they  have to maintain the right appearance; attempt to paint a picture (like singing together) of the possible truth of their relationship? Because...

I don't find the entire industries that have relatively recently mushroomed around celebrities the least bit amusing... Well, the only amusing thought that comes to mind is when a celebrity (man or woman) is pictured on a tabloid cover, their image highly manipulated to make them appear pregnant, with a giant caption indicating they're carrying a baby by their non-spouse or an alien or both (twins?)....

I know that since the first celebrity - perhaps the most talented, best looking person living in the local cave community - people have "cared" about their personal lives as well as their public ones. But can we at least reign this in fair amount and still be satisfied? Maybe let them leave their caves with their children to have normal experiences?

Okay - I confess: I often watch Entertainment Tonight or get some extra rest while it's on. But in the 24/7 365 days a year "news" cycles perhaps actual reality doesn't provide enough input for constant output. Plus, the tabloids and other media outlets that major in celebrity rumors wouldn't continue to exist unless people cared enough to support them... and who am I to judge there supporters? I just wish this didn't have to mean that "public" people had to be hounded so often and so intensely by the paparazzi that they can't have much of a private life without developing secret tricks to live freely. After all we've heard a lot lately about what a hoard of paparazzi, even if they're just doing "their job," can do to the emotions of the kids of celebrities; not to mention how they can get into injurious fights with one another over turf and with the celebs themselves, and soon no doubt their children.

Obviously as always I don't have all the answers here. But I think the laws that have been passed to help regulate the paparazzi celebs relationships should be strictly enforced and likely expanded. Plus we can personally not directly support the dark side of this situation... Like many old sayings, "Any publicity is good publicity," has likely reached its expiration date. What do you think about all of this? Is it a problem worthy of the attention of the proper authorities or is it just a condition of fame and fortune and celebs and everyone, including me, should just quit whining about it? Please, anyone have some common sense to offer in the comments here?

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